Monday, August 16, 2010

raya oh raya

it's been 6 year i'm celebrating raya at peningsular malaysia......... when should be my turn ... i wanna feel the raya mood at kk... wanna break fast at my hometown.....

terlalu banyak alasan n halangan.... mama dah tak kuasa... tak pa la... terima jer lah... mama harap sangat thn depan will be my year.... dear mr hb i've done everything n give my all to you... please at least sekali jer pun cukup... mama teringin nk berbuka n beraya di kk.... mama faham tugas n kepayahan hb nk minta cuti... orang kalau dah workaholic nk buat macamanakan hehehe... bagus jgk....

at least biarlah merasa di kg sendiri sebelum mama pergi tak kembali dah hehehe..

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


hari ni satu ramadhan.... seronok tak terhingga... betapa mama rindukan ramadhan.... mama harap sangat2 agar tahun ni mama dapat tunai apa yg tak sempat mama buat thn2 sebelum ini... malam td mama tk berkesempatan tarawih di masjid telekom... bapak kena duty... tak pa mam solat kt rumah jer pun ok... harap2 malam ni mama boleh gi terawih kt masjid...

mama harap tahun ni puasa n ibadat mama diterima Allah s.w.t ...

pagi ni mama seronok sangat sebab aidil pun ikut bersahur... walaupun tak seberapa tp aidil ada semangat nk berpuasa... aidil cakap kena puasa sebab cikgu ton suruh hahahaa.... tak pa aidil kecil lg.. pelan2 yer nak... nanti mama nk ajak angah n adik bersahur n berpuasa.

Insya Allah bulan puasa ni kita cuba kerap balik rumah opah yer nak....

mama sebenarnya tengah sakit kepala .... berat sangat... mungkin sebab cuaca kot... wallahu'alam...

so mama nk sambung .......................... :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

just wondering..................

today i was in school... it is not the end of the lesson... but gonna continued it tomorrow... hmmm it's mean... there r school on saturday.... it's our duty teachers..... so come on and have fun tomorrow.... even though i've a sore throat but think positive... at least i can sing like a rock star.... hmmm( don't know any name)... luckily i'm teaching in special education school... here there r less talk but more to sign language....

about the past i've already forgotten... lets it flows.... life goes on.. right??.. now ramadhan is near... hopefully the whole year is ramadhan... i like the spirit during ramadhan.... this year i'm planning to get closer to Merciful Allah.... Insya Allah.... i've been waiting for 5 years to perform tarawikh with my friends here... hopefully this year will be the year....

so this year it will be my beloved husband turn to choose the theme... hehehe.. :P... lets he picks himself... sometimes.. hmmm no most of the times he will choosed the better one... included wardrobe and clothes.... i'll be stand beside hmmm and hummmm all the time hehehe....

our anniversary also will be coming soon.... all these past 7 years we've been through everything together.... i just can't go on if you r not at my side... oppssss... this story i'll writes on the

my sons all r growing faster.... mama didn't realized when r u grow... mam missed all the time bathing n playing with u when u r just a little ones... how much i miss that time... i wish the time will stop and u will never grew up so i can play with u all the time... now aidil is a big boy... he doesn't want to get bath with me or his father... "aidil mandi sendiri"..... he also do want to share with his brothers...

angah also now a smart ones... always with his tricky minds.. hehehe... he's the clever ones... but for almost of the times he's the one mama adore... but he is now away from me... he only want to play with his father... maybe because we're have been too closed before the little ones comes... hmmm :(

adik was the cutest ones... he's my favourite ones... he's always be with me... i even can't close my eyes without seeing his face.....he's also grew up now...

now all of my sons r growing.... mama will always prays for u... mama will always love u... mama really missed all of u.... u r my sunshine .... how i wish u were not grow so all of u will stick with me... yes it's sound selfish but u were mine hehehe.... one day all u will find out why mama always scolding u.... it's because i love u so much and i want you to become a person.....mama never hated u.... mama will hated myself if i didn't done my job well before i'm leaving....

my heart is full of beautiful person beside huband (rosli daud), aisil, nazhim and aizhim... there will no space to any person always be 4 of you....

insya allah....

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


fuhhh seksanya... punyalah sekian lama mama mencari apa password blog ni.. hadui pening kepala mama.... the simple thing can be the hardest thing to do...

first let me tell u the saddest story.... last month was the miserable month for me... i need to be strong.... mama kena fitnah... biasa la mulut manusia... rambut sama hitam hati siapa la yang tahu.... mama kena tuduh macam2 tp tak pa mam kan kebal hehehe... insya allah.... sebab mama tahu... mama tak buat semua benda yang dicakap....

punyalah tak malu dia tu dah la pegawai kerajaan.. lelaki pulak tu... sepatutnya lebih waras dan matang... tp sebaliknya.... tanam tebu di tepi bibir.... macam tu la perumpamaan yg sesuai utk dia..... suka membuat cerita sangat2.... lain yg jadi lain yg dicerita... asthafirullah'alazim...

tp orang ni berjaya mendapat perhatian big momma n big daddy dia.... seronok la kan dapat jatuhkan air muka orang kan.... this person should be put at an island....kalau boleh mcm pulau jerjak...

mama tahu sampai sekarang lelaki tu tak puas hati.... even mama tak buat apa pun.... dh sampai cakap2 yg tk best... it's ok... mama buat tk reti jer.... lantak dia la nk cari pasal dgn siapa pulak.... yg mama tahu... one day i'll be punished for what have he done....

cuma mam harap sgt2 1 hari dia akan sedar bahawa bawa mulut ni tak da noktah yang baik tp akan tinggalkan satu tanda buat dia selama2nya... orang sekeliling akan cop what kind of this man.... sampai bila2 pun....

asthafirullah... mama pun dh melarat2 nih.... ok lah at least mama dpt jugak release apa yg terbuku di dalam hati ni....

kepada mereka ni cepat2 sedar dari mimpi indah kamu.... tak salah meminta maaf... tp menjadi bodoh sombong tu ...hmmm fikir sendiri lah...

wallahu' alam